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Professional Profile.

All About Caleb Newman


Caleb Newman is a dynamic Architectural Technology student that is driven towards sustainable design and creative practices. Possessing both artistic abilities and construction knowledge, he's thrilled to be a part of making such projects a reality.

The Brief.

Summary of Me.

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A fierce individual with proactive energy and professional demeanor that displays his passion for design on his sleeve.


Designing is one of my favorite creative outlets. I find an escape through envisioning spaces, buildings, and opportunities in every building I encounter.


I enjoy all things design; visual & performance art, music, graphic design, sketching, modelling, photography, and more. 


In terms of architecture, I can appreciate many styles, but I'm partial to a mix of modern, traditional, and art deco styles. Some of my favorite local buildings include, The One, Pinnacle One Yonge, The Randall Residences, and Mirvish + Gehry in Downtown Toronto.

Interests & Hobbies. 

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Background. Experience


Buildings have captivated me from a very young age. I have vivid memories of layouts of friends houses from Elementary school, when I can't even remember what their faces look like. 


Drawing and tracing homes from old calendars around the house are some of the first masterpieces I've created - I've only gotten better since. 

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Parametric Design.

The challenge with this project was the we were required to create a parametric design that could allow for various sized tables to be easily manipulated using formulas that guided all the components. 


Although challenging, the result proved to be worth every minute.

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Pool Table Assignment.

An otherwise simplistic shape, I seized an opportunity to create a "one-of-a-kind" statement piece that any billiard fan would love to get their hands on. This was the perfect project to let loose and have fun. 

Get in Touch.


Professional. Industry Specific.



Please, be my guest.

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